Cloud O365 Backup

Ensure Office365 data, including Exchange Online, SharePoint, Teams and OneDrive are adequately backed up and protected with the best Cloud O365 backup solution in the market.

#1 Cloud Backup for Microsoft Office365 users is KSA

Quit playing lost and found with your Office 365 emails and data. Achieve 24/7/365 data protection and availability with MSSP highly efficient Cloud O365 backup and recovery solution.

Why do you need to back up Office 365?

If you think Microsoft does back up your Office 365 data, you’re not alone. But you’re also wrong. This common misconception puts your critical data and entire business at risk.

Many IT professionals across Saudi Arabia believe that it’s Microsoft’s responsibility to protect their Office 365 data. But the truth is that although Microsoft provides a wide array of powerful services within Office 365.

A comprehensive backup of your Office 365 data is not one of them. Besides, Office 365’s recycle bin is NOT a backup solution as it would ONLY preserve deleted files. For a short period of time before they are gone forever. Here’s what you should know before it’s too late.

Cloud O365 Backup

Microsoft doesn’t backup YOUR data.

Microsoft only takes care of the physical cloud infrastructure and connectivity to offer O365 users a reliable service. However, your data stored in their cloud is YOUR responsibility. And Microsoft itself does recommend a reliable Office 365 backup solution.

Here it is in black and white, from Microsoft’s Office 365 service agreement. Under ‘Service Availability’ section you can find:

“We recommend that you regularly backup Your Content and Data that you store on the Services. Or store using Third Party Apps and Services“.

Complete access and control is required.

Security threats and compliance requirements demand that you control your business critical data. Total access and complete control of Office 365 data comes from a backup that you manage, and that you can easily recover from.

Here’s what’s not covered in Microsoft native backup protection that comes with Office365:

  • An employee deleting a file by mistake or overwriting data with Save.

  • A disgruntled employee purposely destroying information that is useful to the company.

  • Loss of data due to hacktivists, malware or ransomware.

  • Loss of data due to departing employees and deleted accounts.

  • Recovery from prolonged outages.

“In the cloud” does NOT mean data is safe.

Many assume that since Office 365 keeps data in the cloud. There is no need to have another copy of the data. But that’s not true with accidental deletion, user errors, security threats, and retention policy gaps being commonplace within Office 365.

What does that mean? It means you need to ensure that your Office 365 mailboxes, SharePoint, Teams and OneDrive data are adequately protected with a reliable backup solution.

A Reliable Cloud O365 Backup you can trust from Gold Veeam and Microsoft Partner in Saudi Arabia

MSSP is a tech savvy Saudi IT company with a history of delivering world class IT business solutions for organizations of all sizes across KSA. With our Cloud O365 Backuo. We can help you easily backup, protect and recover your Office 365 data no matter what.

Why Cloud O365 Backup?

Have Total access, control and protection for Office 365 data.

Cloud O365 Backup eliminates the risk of losing access and control over your Office 365 data. Including Exchange Online, Share Point Online OneDrive for Business and Microsoft Teams so that your data is always protected.

In just minutes schedule your first backup job and test out some recovery scenarios. It won’t take long to realize the full power of our Cloud Office 365 backup and recovery solution.

There are myriads of features. That make Cloud O365 Backup is the best Office 365 backup and recovery solution in the market, namely:

  • Ease of management and use.
  • Significant money savings with only-pay for what you consume policy.
  • Automated, and on demand backups.
  • Backup storage location flexibility.
  • Unlimited cloud storage.
  • In transit and at-rest data encryption.
  • Super fast, industry leading recovery flexibility.
  • Precise mailbox, files and site items restoration.
  • Expert 24/7 Support.

Back up Office 365 to any location on premises or in the cloud.

  • Retrieve Office 365 Exchange Online, Share Point Online, OneDrive for Business and Microsoft Teams data. From a cloud based Instance of Office 365 and uniquely/automatically back up your data weekly, daily or as often as every five minutes in Microsoft’s native format.
  • Back up Exchange and SharePoint on workplaces, reducing the impact to your data center and allowing YOU to set the frequency and timing of your backups.
  • Store backups in the location of your choice  including on workplaces, in a hyperscale public cloud .(i.e., Microsoft Azure or Amazon Web Services) or with a local service provider.

  • Protect data posted and shared with Microsoft Teams chats, files and sites, as Teams data is journaled into Exchange Online and SharePoint Online.

Restore Office 365 data with industry leading recovery flexibility.

Never settle for less than reliable, granular restore of Office 365 email items. Share Point sites, documents, libraries and lists, as well as OneDrive for Business accounts, files and folders in a few simple clicks so you can:.

    • Quickly search and granular recovery of individual objects, including Microsoft Teams data. Residing in a protected copy of your Office 365 backup.
    • Directly restore of Office 365 items through an industry leading number of ways, giving you ultimate restore flexibility.

Unlimited Backup Storage Capacity.

Cloud O365 backup offers you unlimited. SSL encrypted cloud storage so you never worry about storage capacity and space limitations.

A full set of amazing features:

With Cloud O365 Backup, you can:

  • Protect your Office 365 data from accidental deletion, security threats and retention policy gaps.
  • Quickly restore individual Office 365 items and files with industry leading recovery flexibility.
  • Meet legal and compliance requirements with efficient eDiscovery of Office 365 backup items.
  • Leverage unlimited scalability with unlimited storage capacity.
  • Simplify deployment in the public cloud with no complex planning.
  • In transit and at rest encryption for data in object storage.
  • faster backup performance for SharePoint Online, OneDrive for Business and more.