
by Google Cloud


Start your application modernization journey with Anthos!

Enterprise IT can often be rigid, complex and expensive. Many organizations with extensive on-prem investments want to take advantage of the cloud’s scalability and innovation.  However, they’re worried about getting locked into the wrong provider. Anthos, Google open platform, So it’s lets you run apps anywhere. Simply, flexibly and securely.

Anthos lets you run your apps, unmodified, on existing on-prem hardware investments or in the public cloud.

Manage applications anywhere

It provides a consistent platform for all your application deployments, while offering a service-centric view of all your environments. By separating the apps from the underlying infrastructure, Anthos’ platform gives you the flexibility to run your services across multiple clouds, on-premises, and even edge locations.

Deliver content faster

Build enterprise-grade containerised applications faster with managed Kubernetes on both cloud and on-premises environments. With Anthos, you can take advantage of your production-ready containerised solutions with pre-built deployment templates.

Protect applications and software supply chain

Programmatic, outcome-focused approach to managing policies for your apps running on VMs and containers. It enables greater app awareness and control with a single pane of glass view for your services’ health and performance.  Protect your software supply chain by implementing deploy-time security controls.

Reduce costs

Realise immediate operational cost savings by automatically migrating traditional application workloads running in VMs into containers that can be easily added to your CI/CD pipeline. So it can run directly on bare metal with no third-party hypervisor, delivering better performance while eliminating licensing costs.

The Total Economic Impact of Anthos

According to the Forrester report: It prior to Anthos organizations used fragmented technologies to build and manage applications. Both in their on workplaces and cloud environments.

It gives organizations one platform so it can be run anywhere.  Anthos also provides a view of what is happening across environments.

Organizations using Anthos for application modernization have reported accelerated productivity of developers, security professionals, platform and operations engineers alike.  All this results in enhanced employee and customer experiences, a reduction of bottom-line costs, and increased top line revenue.

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